Microsoft and IBM for example have their own speech recognition toolkits that they offer for developers, but they are not open source. The difference between proprietary speech recognition and open source speech recognition, is that the library used to process the voices should be licensed under one of the known open source licenses, such as GPL, MIT and others. What is an Open Source Speech Recognition Library?

If you are an ordinary user looking for speech recognition, then none of these will be suitable for you, as they are meant for programmers use only. You can think of them as the underlying engines of speech recognition programs. Some of them come with a preloaded and trained dataset to recognize the given voices in one language and generate the corresponding texts, while others give just the engine without the dataset and developers will have to build the training models by them selves (Machine learning). They are not meant to be used by end users, as developers will first have to adapt these libraries and use them in order to create a program that end users may use later.
#Download speech to text software software
They are the software engines responsible for transmitting voice into the actual texts. What is a Speech Recognition Library/System?

What is a Speech Recognition Library/System?.